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ImCheck Therapeutics has received €20.18m ($22.35m) in non-dilutive funding from the French government to advance its pipeline.

The funds will be used to support clinical development for ImCheck's lead candidate, ICT01, a pathogen-agnostic γ9δ2 T cell-activating monoclonal antibody targeting BTN2A, also known as CD277. This cancer therapy is being evaluated in multiple solid tumours and blood cancer indications in Phase I/IIa trials.

ImCheck scores $22.4m in French funding to develop cancer antibody – RamaOnHealthcare

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ImCheck scores $22.4m in French funding to develop cancer antibody

Clinical Trials Arena August 30, 2024
Phalguni Deswal

The French government funds will support clinical development for T cell-activating monoclonal antibody and another project.

ImCheck Therapeutics has received €20.18m ($22.35m) in non-dilutive funding from the French government to advance its pipeline.

The funds were disbursed as part of the “i-Démo” call for projects under the France 2030 Plan operated by Bpifrance on behalf of the French government. The public capital will be used to advance ImCheck’s clinical pipeline consisting of a T cell-activating monoclonal antibody and an infectious disease therapy.

The French company’s lead candidate is ICT01, a pathogen-agnostic γ9δ2 T cell-activating monoclonal antibody targeting BTN2A, also known as CD277. It is being evaluated in multiple solid tumours and blood cancer indications in Phase I/IIa trials.

The company...

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