Executive summary

AI is rapidly advancing and its impact on software development is being felt. Rather than replacing developers, AI will likely take an assistant role, helping humans to develop and work on software more efficiently. This can be seen in the use of AI tools such as chat boxes, predictive analysis, and code completion. While AI can help with complex problems and tedious tasks, it's not a replacement for human skills and creativity. Developers should seize the opportunities presented by AI, using it to aid them in creating increasingly complex systems.

Will AI Replace Developers? Using AI to Code | Devmountain

By Devmountain User

AI has been a hot topic as of late, and one of the topics of discussion around AI has been how it will affect workers. Developers are no exception. One of the questions on many minds right now is, “will AI replace software developers?” You may have heard that people are using ChatGPT for coding. You might even be wondering how to use ChatGPT to write code. While nobody knows the future, the truth is likely more complex than a simple yes or no answer. We’ll jump in and explore the applications for AI in coding, how AI might affect programmers and software developers, and some of the conversations that people are having around AI right now.

What is AI?

It turns out that the question of what exactly AI is is a bit more complex than one might imagine. AI can mean a few things depending on who you ask. In general, however, AI stands for artificial intelligence. But what does that mean? AI is often used to describe software that displays novel capabilities that ordinary software doesn’t have, such as advanced problem solving. AI is also used to describe frameworks such as machine learning (for more on data science, machine learning, and their impact on the software development industry, check out this article).

IBM characterizes AI as “a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving,” which “also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning.”

Oracle describes AI as “a catchall term for applications that perform complex tasks that once required human input, such as communicating with customers online or playing chess.”

Often when people discuss AI, they’re discussing systems with more robust capabilities than traditional software, which can change over time.

How AI is Used

AI has a lot of uses, so not every AI looks the same. For example, AI chat boxes, which have made waves recently, are distinct from AI systems designed to perform predictive analysis for businesses. Machine learning can also be used in software designed to convert paper records to digital formats and in a range of other purposes. What does artificial intelligence in code look like?

AI has a lot of uses, so not every AI looks the same. For example, AI chat boxes, which have made waves recently, are distinct from AI systems designed to perform predictive analysis for businesses. Machine learning can also be used in software designed to convert paper records to digital formats and in a range of other purposes. What does artificial intelligence in code look like?

AI can also be used as a tool for programmers and developers. Some AIs are built with extensive abilities to understand languages, and can be trained with computer languages rather than human languages in order to solve code related problems and even write code. Using natural language processing allows them to understand and even generate code. For example, Deepmind’s AlphaCode system is capable of writing code at a competitive level.

Where AI and Developers Intersect

With AI being developed in order to write code and solve problems, many developers might be wondering right now if they stand to be replaced with AI. Yet, technological advances in automation don’t always result in workers being replaced. Like many other technological advances, AI can be used as a tool for software developers and engineers that can be used to help solve more problems quickly.

AI As a Tool For Developers

Rather than AI outright replacing developers, it’s highly likely that AI will take an assistant role in helping human developers develop and work on software. Like many other automation tools, AI used for writing code can be used to complete tasks which are particularly time-consuming, while human engineers and developers can focus on tasks that require human ingenuity and creativity. While humans might decide what types of software to create and what avenues solutions might take, AI is more than capable of filling in the blanks, creating lines of code, and helping with debugging. AI generated code also may need to be reviewed by human programmers, just as AI generated content is often edited, fact checked, and revised by human editors in order to ensure quality.

What Does AI Mean For Developers?

Right now, the future of AI and software development is unclear, but we can expect to see AI systems continue to evolve and advance in capabilities. At the same time, we can expect to see software developers and programmers use AI to reach new heights and accomplish more than they could before.

AI continues to advance and become more and more adept in software development roles and will likely continue to over time. However, it’s highly unlikely that AI will entirely replace developers any time soon. Instead, developers and software engineers will likely seize the opportunities presented by AI and use AI assistance to aid them in the creation of increasingly complex and capable systems.

Meanwhile, the industry will continue to be important, and developers will likely find novel new ways to incorporate AI tools into their approaches to developing excellent software.

Can AI Do My Work For Me?

Can AI do your work for you as a developer? The answer is a bit more complex than a simple yes or no. AI can help developers complete tasks. In many ways, yes, but while AI can be a useful tool for helping you learn as a developer, it cannot do everything for you. Becoming overly reliant on AI may cause your own skills as a developer to become stagnant. Instead, AI can help you solve complex problems and complete tedious tasks for you while you can branch out.

Can AI Help Me Learn Code?

If you’re in a coding bootcamp or similar learning environment, you might be wondering how and if AI can help you learn to code. Can you use ChatGPT to learn and code faster? The simple answer is yes!

In many ways, ChatGPT represents a faster form of internet research. For example, if you wanted to find out what resources are good for beginners, you could write a prompt in ChatGPT like, “What resources can I use to learn to code?” Or, if you are looking for insights as to which programming language to learn first, you could use another prompt: “Which programming language should I learn first to learn how to develop mobile apps?” The AI will then provide you with details and information that you can use to further your programming education.

AI tools, like Tabnine and Github Copilot can be used by programmers for things like quality assurance and to get code suggestions. As you’re learning, however, it can still be important to build a habit of understanding problems and solving them rather than handing them off to AI in order to hone your knowledge and skills.

While AI can be a highly useful tool that you might be able to use to learn faster, it’s also a great idea to lean on human support systems such as your teacher and peers and make the most of a collaborative learning environment.

The Bottom Line

AI is rapidly advancing on many fronts, and AI tools can be a huge bolster to the efforts of both seasoned developers and learners who are just starting out on their code learning journey. Will AI replace programmers? There’s no reason to think that AI is going to entirely replace developers and engineers any time soon. Rather, much like other technological advances that have come before and like previous integrations of automation into workplaces, these tools will be used by professionals, and it’s possible that they can potentially even create new job opportunities.