Executive summary

The Digital Web Services Network (DWSN) recently held an event discussing Google Analytics 4 (GA4), its new features, and enhanced measurement capabilities. GA4 automatically tracks media file downloads without the need for any extra script, providing a list of new measurements, including page views, scrolls, outbound clicks, site search, form interactions, video engagement, and file downloads.

The poll results from the event showed interesting insights into departmental practices: 15% of respondents strongly agree that their departments enable developers to do their jobs well, while 45% agreed. The majority use Figma (32%) or Adobe XD/Photoshop (29%) for prototyping.

Digital Web Services Network: Past Events October 19, 2023

By State of California

Event questions and answers

Does Google Analytics now track media files even if with no local referral link?

DWSN Member:  Mark Urquhart

DWSN coordinator/presenter: Linda Tracy

Unlike Universal Analytics, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) collects media file (i.e., PDF, word, excel) download information without the need of any extra script. When our team sets up Data Streams for agencies, the File downloads enhanced measurement is automatically turned on by default (by Google). There are a few other “new” measurements GA4 also tracks, we just haven’t had too much time to explore them all yet. Here is the list of “new” measurements GA4 tracks:

  • Page views
  • Scrolls
  • Outbound clicks
  • Site search
  • Form interactions
  • Video engagement
  • File downloads

Here are also some references to read a little more on each enhanced measurements:

Event poll responses

My department creates an environment that enables developers to do their jobs well?

Polls: 55 responses

Strongly agree 15%

Agree 45%

In between agree and disagree 20%

Disagree 7%

Strongly Disagree 4%

Does not apply to me 9%

How would you use the starter site? Check all that apply:

Polls: 60 responses

Check out the state web template 31%

Test the template 22%

Create a website 17%

Use the page patterns 24%

I wouldn't use it 3%

Other 3%

How do you / your department prototype? (select all that apply)

Polls: 53 responses

Figma 32%

Sketch 6%

Adobe XD / Photoshop 29%

Adobe XD / Photoshop 0%

MS Word 14%

MS PowerPoint 6%

Whiteboarding tool (Miro, Mural, etc) 4%

We don't prototype 8%